B104 BASSically Karr DVD
Intro & Opening Credits; The Power of Sound;
Performance: Valse Miniature, op.1, no.2, Koussevitsky; Body Language; Balance/tension; The Importance of the Bow; Performance: The Swan from Carnival of the Animals, Saint-Saens; Body Posture/Bass Position; Exercises to Release Tension/stress; Carrying the Bass; Balancing the Bass; Performance: Vocalise op.34, no.14, Rachmaninoff; Role of the Thumbs; Left Hand Positions in Shifting; Body Stance to the Bass; Harmonics; Bow Speed Variables Related to Harmonics; Introduction to String Crossing; Performance: Courante Sonata in A minor, Eccles; String Crossing; Spiccato Technique; Crossing Strings & Bow Action; Performance: Scherzo op.12, no.2, van Goens; Fingerings; Vibration/Pizzicato;
Pizzicato to Arco; Holding the Bow: Left Hand Strength Without Tension; Acoustics; Performance: Fantasie Sonambula, Bottesini; Listenting to Yourself in Practice; How to Practice; How to Practice Correctly; Performance: Tarantella in A minor, Bottesini; Musical Expression; Closing Performance Credits