Gut Core Double Bass Strings

Gut core bass strings give the warmest, deepest, smoothest fundamental of any bass string. No wonder gut strings are a favorite with so many bass players. European Gut (Efrano Brand) is our go-to House Favorite… read on to learn more.

Lemur imports gut strings directly from the maker in Germany. This is First Quality Gut Core made in laboratory like conditions. Traditional string making techniques of splitting, winding, stretching, scaling, and testing are the hallmark of well-made gut core bass strings. We think you will be very impressed with the quality of our European Gut Strings for Double Bass.

Gut bass strings need to be fresh and supple. Lemur receives gut bass strings every other month so you know you are getting the freshest, most long lasting strings possible.

When you install gut strings, remember to allow plenty of time for them to “stretch into tune.” These strings will stretch up to 4-5 inches (oh, wow!) and need time to settle in for a few days before the Big Gig.

Gut strings are usually sold with a Silver Wrap on the bottom two strings (A&E) to help these big, fat strings hold a center of pitch. The 3rd and 4th strings are already pretty low tension; without the silver wrap the lower two are very difficult to tune – otherwise they may be too loose.

Gut strings are usually sold with no wrap on the top two strings (G&D), that is to say Plain Gut or No Wrap. Here is where the quality of the gut is truly important, because the strings are just plain naked and have to be perfectly made to give the best sound, and to wear evenly.

Gut strings from LaBella are available with Plain G&D, Silver wrapped A&E, as well as Plain A&E. LaBella Bass strings are in very limited supply and are seasonal, so please order well in advance of your string change. Most of our customers use European Gut and LaBella interchangeably, so consider a mixed set if we are out of LaBella Gut Bass Strings.

Gut core strings from Pirastro are available in three formulations:

  • Oliv – Bass gut core string with chromesteel wrap on all strings. Oliv Bass has a dark, strong sound with big tonal volume. Used extensively for pizzicato play, they take high pressure on the bow. Medium tension. High C and Low B also available in Oliv.
  • Eudoxa – Bass gut core string with silver wrap on all strings. Euxoda Bass is the queen of jazz pizzicato strings offering brilliant tone and long sustain. Medium tension only. High C and Low B also available in Eudoxa.
  • Chorda – Bass gut core string with round wound silver wrap on the bottom two strings (A&E). the top two strings (G&D) have no wrap – they are plain gut. These are recommended for Baroque Play. Medium tension.

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Blast Cult Gut Bucket Strings

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Blast Cult Tone Mongers

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Eudoxa (2nd string) D

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Eudoxa bass string (1st string) G

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Eudoxa bass string (3rd string) A

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Eudoxa bass string (4th string) E

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Eudoxa Bass String Set Silver Wire on Gut Core

Original price was: $1,299.98.Current price is: $930.07.
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European Gut Bass String — 5th String High C — Black Varnish

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European Gut Bass String — High C — Plain Gut String

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European Gut Bass String (1st string) G — Black Varnish

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European Gut Bass String (1st string) G — Plain Gut String

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European Gut Bass String (2nd string) D — Plain Gut String

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European Gut Bass String (2nd string) D Black Varnished Gut

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European Gut Bass String (3rd string) A — Plain Gut String

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European Gut Bass String (3rd string) A — Silver Wrap Gut String

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European Gut Bass String (3rd string) A Black Varnished Gut

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