Bass Rosin

Fresh bass rosin is the most important performance accessory for Arco Bass Play.

The bass bow must be rosined for optimum grip of the bass string. The amount of rosin applied is the personal preference of each Arco player. We buy rosin 13 times per year to ALWAYS HAVE THE FRESHEST ROSIN IN STOCK.

Bass Players can choose among Hard Dry rosin, Medium rosin, Soft Sticky rosin, Dark rosin, or Light rosin. Usually upright bass rosin is made from various plant extracts that are cooked and packaged in small batches to ensure freshness. There are now synthetic rosins that are hypo-allergenic for those with plant allergies. Rosin colors vary from light amber rosin, to dark brown rosin depending upon composition. The Synthetic, Hypo-allergenic rosins are most often a clear to slightly milky color.

Fine quality bass rosins are made in many countries, including the USA, France, Germany, Greece, and Sweden. Most formulas are a closely guarded family secret, in fact. Packaging varies more in bass rosins than in violin rosins, because bass rosin comes in so many types, hard to soft. We’ve noted container styles to help you identify the various rosin makers, to know if it’s the type of application you prefer, and to instruct on storage of this must-have item.

Seasonal use of rosin can vary. Some players will use an All Weather rosin year round no matter what the climate. Other bassists prefer to switch between a soft rosin in colder weather (Winter Rosin) and use hard rosin in warm weather (Summer Rosin.) Think how the temperature and humidity in your performance venue will affect the rosin – high temperatures will melt soft rosin much more quickly than hard rosin. Lower temperatures may make hard rosin just too difficult to apply effectively.

Don’t leave dried rosin dust on your bass or bow;

it will ruin the finish, dampen tone, and gum up hair and strings.

Every time you play – Wipe your bass, strings, and bow when you are done for the day. Use a soft, lint free cloth to wipe away the dried rosin ‘dandruff’ or ‘dust’ before you put your instrument away. This is simple, cheap, and the most effective way to avoid rosin residue buildup that will take much longer to clean away.

Occasionally – Use a product made specifically to remove dried rosin from the wooden parts of your bass, from the underside of the bow’s stick, and wooden frog.

Product Suggestions for rosin removal:

Petz Rosin Remover (Lemur Product A1386) comes in a small bottle that will last for a long time. Keep it tightly closed and use in a nicely ventilated space.

Apply a small amount of the fluid to a soft cloth or cotton pad to soften the rosin residue and then wipe it away. Use a second clean cloth or clean cotton pad to wipe up any remaining rosin remover.
Be Careful Not to Drip Rosin Remover on the Strings or Bow Hair. Rosin Remover is too oily and will actually thin rosin the next time you apply it to the bow hair.
Rosin Remover (and other solvents) will also damage the inner wrap of bass strings if too much gets into the windings. Just wipe your strings down after play each time with a clean, soft cloth. It’s easy, fast, cheap, and effective.
Kolstein’s Cleaner (Lemur Product A1388) works in a similar way as Petz Rosin Remover. You can also use Kolstein’s Polish (Lemur Product A1389) to remove really hard rosin residue. It has a very mild abrasive that can help lift stubborn rosin schmutz that seems to be permanently adhered to the top. A Cleaning & Polishing Kit is sold as Lemur Product A1387.

Showing 17–17 of 17 results

lemur music

Wiedoeft Bass Rosin

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